JANUARY-MARCH The Chapbook Challenge 2025

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Maybe the book of your dreams—the one you imagine with your name on the cover—isn’t quite a short story but it’s not quite a novel. Maybe it’s not quite an essay, but not exactly a full-length memoir. Maybe it’s an excerpt or an outtake from a longer project. A trial run or the culmination of everything. An anthology or a poetry collection. Maybe the publication in your mind’s eye isn’t quite a zine, isn’t quite a book. . . Maybe it has visual elements. You know you need to make it a reality. Time to sign up for The Chapbook Challenge in the Literary Kitchen. Nine weeks from “what is this?” to chapbook.

In this course, you’ll work in community and with Ariel Gore to edit, design and publish your own chapbook. (New: Skillshares on Kickstarter for chapbooks as well as cover design and marketing.) Our class will be asynchronous with several optional Sunday Zooms. Printing costs are not included in the tuition. Your “Literary Kitchen Collective” ISBN number is included! You may publish under the Literary Kitchen imprint or under your own press name. Sample chapbooks are available for purchase from other Wayward Writers. Just ask.

Successful chapbooks can be anywhere from about 15-80 pages. Please come to this course with a fairly solid draft of the manuscript you wish to turn into a chapbook. Taking the fall ’24 manuscript workshop to make that happen is one excellent & suggested route.

January 5, 2025 – March 9, 2025

Tuition: $475

Discount tuition if you’re also signed up for the fall manuscript workshop: $435

A $200 deposit saves your spot.

Venmo @Ariel-Gore-1 (last 4 = 4999)

For other ways to pay, contact arielfiona at gmail dot com