New Chapbooks from the Literary Kitchen

GET ALL EIGHT NEW LITERARY KITCHEN CHAPBOOKS FOR $100 (INCLUDES US SHIPPING.) Venmo @Ariel-Gore-1 (last 4 digits = 4999) Or read on for instructions for individual ordering. When purchasing books via Venmo or Paypal, be sure to include your mailing address.

Corpus Memoria: Hair
By Avis Barlow
What does your hair say about you? Exhumed from that shadowy place between dark and dawn, this connected story collection takes on a stumbling scavenger hunt to examine fragmented memory and embodied artifacts of identity – like hair – to re-member the inner and outer self into wholeness.
$15 includes U.S. shipping
Venmo @theavisbarlow

Dear Inner Critic
a self-doubt activity book
By Rebecca Kuder
Devote 30 days to creative freedom; unlock the long con of confidence; and dissolve self-doubt. Even if you’ve been living with insecurity all your life, today can be different. This book offers a flashlight to guide you through the wilds of self-doubt. 
$15 includes US shipping
PayPal or Venmo @rkuderys

Don’t Stop Me Now
How to Resist Drag Bans and Create Total Gender Liberation
By Christa Orth
A drag king who came of age twenty years ago reflects on the current right-wing backlash against drag performance and trans people. Looking into the past for inspiration from gender expansive people before us, they harness their desire and rage to imagine how we will survive drag bans and trans bans to endure forever more.
$20 includes US shipping
Venmo @Christa-Orth 

How to Not Suck at Motherhood
Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist
By Sue Moshofsky
Written by a woman who battled Imposter Mom Syndrome, this collection of tales from the front lines of motherhood is for any mother who’s faced self-doubt. You’ll find yourself (or someone you know) in these pages – and along the way, you’ll laugh and cry – with all the feels in between.
$15 includes US shipping
PayPal or Venmo @suemoshofsky (Sue’s Books)

Hyperlexic Dreams & Bookstore Schemes
The Reading Precociously to Owning a Bookstore Pipeline
By Betsy Alger
A collection of memories and poems spanning 40 years of experiences with books. A lifetime filled with books, happy memories of reading, and hours spent in independent bookstores converge with the author’s neurodivergencies and disabilities to help bring about unique ways of thinking and a beautiful bookstore + community space.
$13 + shipping (If you order $50+ from Betsy’s website then the shipping is free.)
How to Order: Purchase from the author’s bookstore, Off The Wall Books n Café:

Permission for the New Age Enthusiast
How to Drop the Dogma of Your Spiritual Practices and Set Yourself Free
By Jen Antill
New Age communities are made up of seekers, searchers, and people who, for the most part, want to better themselves, grow, change and wake da f*** up. This makes New Age folks a susceptible lot to spiritual charlatans and dogmatic practices that create rigid belief systems inside the psyche, not to mention, a striving for spiritual perfectionism. As a New Age enthusiast herself, Jen gives readers permission to lighten up, let go of fear-based spiritual assumptions and learn to accept their humanness once more.
$22.95 + $4 US shipping ($26.95 total)
Venmo @Jen-Antill

Talking With Ghosts / Hablar Con Los Fantasmas
a memoir of sorts
By Debi Knight Kennedy
An assortment of poems, letters from the afterlife, a one-act play, and personal prose concerning navigating family secrets. Told with humor, grace, and badassery!
$13 includes US shipping
PayPal or email dkk to send personal check

The Tiniest Bit of Light 
By Dusty Bryndal
A collection of poems about losing a child and somehow remaining among the living. These poems detail how mundane things happen in daily life, that one can be a part of while simultaneously carrying around a hot burning grief.
$15 includes US shipping
Venmo @Dusty-Bryndal or Paypal

Want all eight? Have a U.S. mailing address? Just Venmo $100 @Ariel-Gore-1 with your mailing address and soon you will have chapbooks.