NOVEMBER Mem-Noir: Writing About Bad Shit That Really Happened with Ariel Gore

Mem-noir with Ariel Gore

Monthlong Hybrid Class: Zoom + Online Text-Based Boards

Meets November 3, 10, and 17 from 10 – Noon Pacific (Zooms will be recorded for those who can’t attend) and Online Asynchronously November 3-30

Learn to use classic noir techniques like suspenseful pacing, femme and masc fatale characterization, dystopian settings, dramatic visuals, and narrative unreliability to tell real-life and based-in-real-life stories. Whether you’re looking to create a short story or novella-length memoir that will stay with your reader, add drama to a book-length work-in-progress, or find words to describe your darkest ordeals, well . . . You’ve come to the right place.

$300 Tuition

Venmo @Ariel-Gore-1 (last 4 digits = 4999) WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to register. Or use the handy Paypal button below.

Class size is limited, so please sign up early.

Write arielfiona at gmail with any questions.